Providing a modern Karaoke & DJ Service in Ottawa and Surrounding areas. A leader in the industry since 1997. Entertaining Fairs, Clubs, Schools, Corporate Christmas Parties, Stags, Weddings, House Parties, Fundraisers and many more.
Striving to meet the customer needs and a valuable reputation has led to non stop business for 20 years. We do not book venues so close together on the same night looking out for you and your business!!
We also have the best of the best in equipment so you get the best quality at the show!!
If it is cheap it sounds cheap!!! Qualified Sound Tech every time!!
See You at The Shows!
Save A Tree
No Books
No Slips
Just let your host know
what song you want to sing.
Our system is computerized so your name stays
in rotation. No Trees were harmed at
a Daisy Train Karaoke show!!

Call Now TO book your Party

Show Schedule
27 Club Every Monday
780 Baseline Rd
Ottawas Only
Various Locations